The last word is not highlighted, maybe it's some kind of mistake. Similar to the word "discontent", but it is impossible to isolate it.
Свиђа ми се 2 2
2019-12-21 01:29
And you what letter to start with? exactly N.
2019-12-21 01:39
items 7 Ministry - interesting this branch of industry and p 8 - it had to be under 5 to put actually, it's national with a Gift, well, you grandchildren to explain that now present in the fridge on the bottom shelf white
2019-12-21 03:27
Of course with N, and the second E.
Свиђа ми се 2 0
2019-12-21 03:30
Again in the wrong direction led, so I... decided, thanks.
Свиђа ми се 2 0
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