"How many suits have a Chameleon? Maybe two, maybe three million. with no minute — changing color: Red, Orange Yellow Green Blue Blue color-Violet" A. Usachev
Свиђа ми се 5 0
2019-09-28 08:02
Свиђа ми се 2 0
2019-10-16 14:20
Свиђа ми се 1 0
2019-12-09 11:12
Свиђа ми се 2 0
2020-02-28 17:32
I really liked this picture!!!
Свиђа ми се 4 1
2020-09-10 19:53
2020-08-12 21:30
Chameleon is one of the most beautiful and unusual lizards on the planet. Conducts a day way of life as in the dream loses the ability to monitor the color and can become easy prey. Spends all the time in the trees. disguised, motionless.Only working eye. His eyes are also unusual with sashimis for centuries, there is only a small hole for the pupil. both eyes work independently from each other and provide all-round visibility. Attack-instant-1/20 seconds, ejected language, comprising of 1.5-2.0 in body length with a suction Cup on the end.
Свиђа ми се 3 0
2020-09-16 19:16
Свиђа ми се 1 0
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