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Онлине слагалица «Melon and cherries»

2020-03-20 00:00:00

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Melon and cherries

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#StillLife #fruit #berry   Једнобојне области: 2%


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Tara 33 Solver Rank
2020-03-21 10:20

Свиђа ми се + 1     1
nettaly 52  2020-03-21 18:59 + 0
Spichenka Online 53 Solver Rank
2020-03-21 17:33
Thank you. Melons with cherries was tasty and sweetedaflowers

Свиђа ми се + 3     4
nettaly 52  2020-03-21 19:00 + 5
Please :)
Go "melon" season - try to make their own dried fruit. It's easy: cut into slices, cover from flies and other parasites, to dry in a Sunny, ventilated place. I got :)
Tane4ka 50 Solver Rank  2020-03-21 19:51 + 5
Well, some "Sunny place" is still need to search ignat I have a few years ago tried so plum dry... smutil Then decided that the dryer is safer
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