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Онлине слагалица «The little humpbacked horse»

2020-04-30 00:00:00

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The little humpbacked horse

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Fairytale by Петр Ершов, illustrated by Николай Кочергин. #fairytale #horse #NikolaiKochergin #forkids #НиколайКочергин   Једнобојне области: 1%


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2020-04-30 21:23
And who is the artist?
remember From my childhood a book with illustrations of Vladimir Alekseevich Milashevsky (1893 - 1976); at the end of the book was the explanations of each picture - where the action is, that dressed heroes... In General, after the tale was still intact ethnographic excursus in history :)


Свиђа ми се + 3     2
Tverianka Solver Rank  2020-05-01 22:30 + 1
Nikolai Mikhailovich Kochergin(1897-1974)
nettaly  2020-05-01 22:31 + 1
Thank you, I will add information in the description.
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