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Онлине слагалица «Lake in the Alps»

2020-06-18 00:00:00

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Lake in the Alps

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Italy, Dolomites, Alps. #Italy   Једнобојне области: 0%


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ksannlis 21
2020-06-18 21:23
The place is a bit gloomy , but the puzzle going with pleasure . Thank you nettaly added a lot of interesting shots .

Свиђа ми се + 1     1
nettaly 52  2020-06-18 23:52 + 1
Thank you for the comment :)
And how do you like this corner of Italy?
ksannlis 21
2020-06-19 20:22
Honestly, I prefer the outdoors (mountains, water with any name and form, forest, open beautiful space ). It is important for me the quality of the photos, which become the puzzle. Thank you for the with the ruins of the Abbey, but the buildings of the city (ancient or modern) is not for me. Thank You nettaly and sorry ...

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nettaly 52  2020-06-19 22:23 + 1
Спасибо за комментарий :)
"предпочитаю природу"

В разделе "Теги" щёлкаете по соответствующим словам (осень, дождь, пейзаж и т.д.) и откроется подборка пазлов по теме.

"важно качество фотографий"

Полностью поддерживаю. К сожалению, не всегда красивое пейзажное фото будет удобно в качестве пазла...

Если будет настроение - приглашаю в миссию по мультипазлам, объединённым темой "Вода":
ksannlis 21
2020-06-20 18:23
nettaly , thank You for the continued contact . If I use the main directory, always ask for three options of search: photo, horizontal and any of the tag (mountains, forest, water etc). Unfortunately in the main directory are very, very few attention-grabbing photo ( I mean the puzzles), so always first look the section "Puzzles outside of the main directory" and that's where I met Your work. I can assure You that all of Your work on a specific subject did not remain without attention. Thank You once again . Sorry for the verbosity.

Свиђа ми се + 4     1
nettaly 52  2020-06-20 20:41 + 1
Ако нађете нетачан или погрешан превод елемената интерфејса сајта, пријавите: @GrandGames
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