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Онлине слагалица «Sunset»

2020-05-24 00:00:00

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nettaly 52
2020-05-24 14:49
If you do not know what to specify in the description, it is not necessary to dial something like "appinstaller". Write what you see - "tree Silhouettes at sunset".
Other players are looking for puzzles through a catalogue with descriptions and tags.

Свиђа ми се + 3     6
Tane4ka 50 Solver Rank  2020-05-24 15:04 + 2
Assume that the picture is not passed from one tag, author and "signed" keyboard "description" not to bother :ignat
in General, support nettaly - what is correct and more You describe your puzzle, the more likely she will not"hang" somewhere in the tail of the ranking of collection.
nettaly 52  2020-05-24 15:23 + 4
If very don't know what to write in the tags editor and then add, and here is a detailed description (e.g., who is this guy in the jacket in the photo, or where is drawn in landscape) is very useful, because not only facilitates the search for images in the catalog, but also broadens the mind of the players :)
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