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Онлине слагалица «Green world»

2020-06-03 00:00:00

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Green world

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Слагалица «Mir prekrasnogo» Слагалица «Waterfall in the tropics» Слагалица «Kritij bassejn» Слагалица «Waterfall» Слагалица «New Zealand» Слагалица «Plitvice waterfalls» Слагалица «Waterfall in Bavaria» Слагалица «Waterfall in the forest» Слагалица «Waterfall in Slovenia» Слагалица «Waterfall in the forest» Слагалица «South Korea» Слагалица «Waterfall in the forest»

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pushinka24 50
2020-06-03 16:50
Not sure how to rate this Puzzle. This waterfall is already in the catalog, only in natural color. Called Puzzle "African waterfall" (puzzle No. 760). And here's the same waterfall - Columbia. But it's even different continents. And as "African waterfall " much better.

Свиђа ми се + 2     10
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-06-03 16:54 + 2
pushinka24 , you'd better give a link , so as not to look.
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-06-03 16:57 + 1
Not the fact that it is an African waterfall , Google gave a State forest reserve in Oregon
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