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Онлине слагалица «Acorn coffee»

2020-04-04 00:00:00

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Acorn coffee

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#StillLife #plant #leaf #flower #dish #drink   Једнобојне области: 3%
Аутоматске ознаке: #Green #Leaf #Cup #Herbal #Caffeine #CoffeeCup #Plant #Herb #Cup


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nettaly 52
2020-04-04 11:36
For those who prefer a more hearty Breakfast:

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Tara 33 Solver Rank
2020-04-05 16:06

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nettaly 52  2020-05-15 10:38 + 0
ludmila-nadoelo 35
2020-05-14 16:04
Never tried it, I think it is not tasty, if it was tasty, did not carry real coffee from abroad

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Lena2020 48  2020-05-14 16:59 + 6
We have close to a suburban area oak grove and the ravens dragged to the site of these acorns on a lot-a lot, I even use some oaks in a plot planted in pickles add :)
ludmila-nadoelo 35  2020-05-15 14:07 + 2
how does the cucumber?
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nettaly 52
2020-05-15 10:39
Thank Satovcha for a discussion of the puzzle "Acorn coffee" :)
I Invite to gather the pattern on the subject:

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