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Онлине слагалица «Santorini»

2020-03-19 00:00:00

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nettaly 52
2020-03-19 10:46
Very well popular tourist place :)

Свиђа ми се + 2     6
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2020-03-19 11:27 + 3
these days, I think you can see the left picture
natali062013 47 Solver Rank  2020-03-19 12:41 + 2
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Kbcrf Online 48 Solver Rank
2020-03-20 15:51
On the rocks the white house
Sit like bird's nest
On the edge of the blue wave!
Beautiful, bright, wonderful island.

There unloved son of Hephaestus
Beautiful made a throne for Hera,
that bore their heavy cross,
Suddenly losing love and faith.

And a fire-breathing volcano
Burned once Atlantis
And radiant ocean
Water hid her from sight.

Gone bright dream
In the depths of the waters azure blue,
But beats fast wave
On the bright shore of Santorini.

Erkina Tatiana

Свиђа ми се + 6     0
Grozni 31
2020-03-20 19:44

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