Extraordinary flowers!Just fun to collect these puzzles!
" According to ancient Indian legend, the flowers and lit on earth, the great God of the Sun. the Flower was enchanted, and magical.The Incas believed that the Peruvian Lily can help in a difficult situation to escape from enemies, to become invisible, to turn a man into a beast or a bird."(from the Internet)
Свиђа ми се 5 1
2020-04-18 19:09
Illustrated thank you for the comment Maybe the flower and turned someone into a representative fauna, but we did not know - they are not able to talk Invited to pick a flower tag https://en.grandgames.net/missions/tsveti_v_pyatnashkah
the sixteenth-elephant-pink "We saw only the pink elephants in Disney's cartoons. However, Tim Jansen van Voeren, warden of the Kruger national Park in South Africa, demonstrated that they exist, filmed unique pink elephant, differing sharply in color from its grey relatives, according kratko-news.com."
Interesting comments,colorful puzzles! Thank you! Judging by the "gogolevskoy" of information -it is already possible to fly as tourists(when the quarantine will end)
Yes,my.Like the family amaryllidaceae...well, sho has grown,and grown.
2020-03-21 17:26
Rose seriously Direct illustration of the story of Hg wells, the Hg wells "the extraordinary Flowering of orchids" (The Flowering of the Strange Orchid, 1894; also the name translated as: Extraordinary Orchid; Orchid; Strange Orchid; Flowering of the strange Orchid; the Flowering of the strange Orchid).
Razmerchik Owls are impressive! where there Oleshky to it! Thank you for the Fabulous Beauty!!!
Прикажи све коментаре
2020-03-18 15:44
Or is it a magical giver so tiny? ;)
2020-03-18 16:06
But the BEARD size XXXXX well This is what her care needs?
2020-03-18 16:31
Magic There is one playable character from Final Fantasy - Sephiroth, which, among other phenomenal qualities is just incredible mane that is the subject of jokes
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