Приглашаю принять в участие в этом турнире по гомоку. Будет проходить на следующей неделе по вечерам. В случае, если в нем примут участие все 16 человек (обязательно все), каждый игрок, который доиграет до конца хотя бы первую партию (результат не важен), получит 1000 монет, полуфиналисты (3-4 место) - по 3000, финалисты (1 и 2) - по 5 тысяч.
Играть очень просто, по сути - это крестики-нолики. Нужно ходить по очереди и выстроить в ряд цепочку из 5 фишек. Потренироваться можно здесь: https://en.grandgames.net/online/gomoku/
Принимайте участие в настольных играх, это не менее увлекательно, чем решать головоломки. Заранее спасибо всем откликнувшимся.
Свиђа ми се 9 7
2020-03-06 21:09
You can try!
2020-03-07 10:31
We have 5 more seats available!
Прикажи све коментаре
2020-03-07 12:46
Still 3 seats left, hurry to take
2020-03-08 01:59
Oh, missed, time well good luck and enjoy your time!
2020-03-09 19:38
After 40 minutes, start, provocante do not appear to pariah will remain without coins
2020-03-09 19:41
I don't want to let down the opponent , so try not to miss the bus
2020-03-09 20:07
"were not present at the party will be left without coins"
ie will not like this smiley and that is
2020-03-06 20:34
Know how to persuadetry
Свиђа ми се 3 0
2020-03-06 21:28
Has never won in TIC-TAC-toe, so my opponent just don't laugh at my game
Свиђа ми се 3 0
2020-03-06 21:54
Occupy the midfield, try to put 2-e, 3-e plugs and be sure to block the opponent with 1 hand, if he is at least 3 chips in a row put. That's all, I hope someone can help. I believe in equal fight
Свиђа ми се 4 3
2020-03-06 22:00
You should try with the bot to play, at least understand what I mean
2020-03-07 21:08
Thank you for this very useful instruction! :respekt I Say this without irony). But now it would be good to learn to respect it! But, I understand, will come only after hard training. Well, let's start!
Urrrya after 4 defeats I defeated the bot, starve, browses floor boards he was impaled on the plug. Well, I have ambition, at least for the final, if not also yawn nothing. Although, knowing how I play blitz... Soooo, glavnoe peace of mind
I'd love to, Yes no equipment Oh, and for interest I looked at the Internet, it turns out the player walking first with a persistent resistance of the opponent still needs to win in 49 moves, in my opinion. In short, in the usual TIC-TAC-toe is always a draw, but there is always a winning first move.
2020-03-09 20:33
And that 1 party or what? The machine tables are created? Nitsche do not understand
The players came to the party players, but lost in the first round: @ovawiss, @corsica@Lysva, @gingermartian Packs for 1000 coins you have in your inventory.
@Support, thanks for the prize. Please explain why this tournament is such a wide time frame, it turns out that the winner is the player who first opened the stage, despite the possibility of attack. If a match, then perhaps it would be better, strictly to record the beginning, like in traditional tournaments. Then I, as a member of a more responsible attitude would be to participate in the second round and did not let his opponent. With respect.
2020-03-13 00:13
The Board game is not a puzzle. The party starts at that time + 30 seconds to open the party.
2020-03-13 03:44
2020-03-13 06:42
Thank you
2020-03-10 17:22
And six in a row wins here?
Свиђа ми се 3 1
2020-03-10 18:56
Yes, obviously, 5 or more pieces in a row, doesn't matter.
The players came to the party players, but lost in the first round: @ovawiss, @corsica@Lysva, @gingermartian Packs for 1000 coins you have in your inventory.
Свиђа ми се 5 6
Ако нађете нетачан или погрешан превод елемената интерфејса сајта, пријавите: @GrandGames